If you have been charged with a crime, it is completely normal to feel anxious or worried. Especially if most of what you know about the criminal justice system and court cases comes from watching law shows on TV. Cops routinely bend and even break laws to make sure the “bad guys” get convicted. Lawyers and judges are intimidating and sometimes even abusive. Basically, it all seems really scary.

To a certain extent, this worry is justified. North Carolina takes criminal charges seriously, and lawmakers want to do everything in their power to [...]

If you were convicted of a criminal offense and given probation, you probably consider yourself lucky. Probation means that the penalties you could have received for your crime (jail time, fines) are currently suspended in the hopes that you will complete your probation with no violations.

Unfortunately, many individuals on probation can end up feeling like they are jumping through hoops in order to avoid violating their terms. Probation violations can include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Failing to pay court fees or fines
  • Failing a drug or alcohol test
  • Failure

If you are accused of stealing from your job, the employer gets to decide whether or not they would like to press criminal charges against you. If convicted, you may receive jail time or fines.

That, however, is just the beginning. Most likely, you will get fired and lose your source of income. Those accused in North Carolina now have something else to worry about: employers have a new option to take you to civil court. If they win this additional case, they can take even more money out of your pocket.

How [...]

While a sexual relationship with a teacher is innocently portrayed as the subject of countless fantasies in music, movies, and television, the real life consequences of hooking up with a student are not so glamorous. Recently, a teacher at Davie County High School showed just how life-changing these accusations or charges can be.

On December 1, the Davie County School System read reports that one of their teachers, Jessica Welch Greene, 27, was engaging in a sexual relationship with one of the students at the school. She was suspended without pay the following [...]

Being let out of jail (or avoiding jail altogether) to go on probation is an odd balance between a relief and a burden. While probation does give you many freedoms that you do not have in jail, many feel that they are walking on eggshells trying to meet the terms of their probation to avoid re-arrest.

Why? Because while you do not have to stay in a jail cell all day, probation may limit the places you can go and how long you can leave the town where you live – and that’s [...]