Criminal charges can make you feel like you’re standing on the edge of an uncertain future. You need a lawyer who understands what’s at stake for you personally. It’s not enough to simply find someone knowledgeable about criminal law – you need a lawyer who will stand by you throughout the entire process and fight for your future. At Schlosser & Pritchett, we are committed to providing you with the professional, dedicated legal representation you deserve. Whether you are facing serious felony charges or a misdemeanor, our Greensboro, North Carolina criminal defense attorneys [...]
Greensboro Misdemeanors Attorneys
If you are accused of a misdemeanor in North Carolina, chances are you are frightened.
Putting your case in the competent hands of the criminal defense attorneys at Schlosser & Pritchett can help relieve some of the pressure. We are well-acquainted with the local legal system and are committed to vigorously representing the injured and the accused. Our North Carolina misdemeanor clients are from all walks of life, including juveniles, adults, and college students. Many of our clients are from local colleges and universities, including North Carolina State, Duke, and UNC-Chapel Hill.
Differences Between North Carolina Felonies & Misdemeanors
The difference between North Carolina misdemeanor laws versus felony laws can make a large difference in the ultimate result of your defense against these charges. The consequences between these two can be vast in terms of penalties or sanctions if you are convicted.
Most felonies carry more severe penalties than misdemeanors, with the penalties including more substantial fines, longer sentences, and more severe repercussions after your release.
Types of North Carolina Misdemeanors
- Drug crimes (Possession of marijuana, under twenty (20) grams, possession of drug paraphernalia)
- Violent crimes (Simple assault)
- Domestic Violence or Spousal Abuse
- Theft crimes (Shoplifting, possession of stolen goods, or Petit (petty) theft
- DUI / DWI / Drunk Driving
- Probation violations
- Weapons charges (carrying a concealed weapon)
- Sex crimes (sexual battery)
- White collar crimes
Potential Consequences of North Carolina Misdemeanors
Misdemeanors are divided into four categories (A1, 1, 2, and 3), depending on the seriousness of the offense.
A Class 3 misdemeanor, the least serious misdemeanor, carries a maximum penalty of twenty days in jail and a $200 fine. Class 3 misdemeanors include simple possession of marijuana, concealing goods in a store, and city code violations.
A Class 2 misdemeanor carries a maximum penalty of sixty days in jail and a $1,000 fine. Class 2 misdemeanors include simple assault, disorderly conduct, resisting a police officer, and carrying a concealed weapon.
A Class 1 misdemeanor carries a maximum penalty of 120 days in jail and a discretionary fine. Class 1 misdemeanors include possession of drug paraphernalia, larceny, possession of stolen goods, damaging real or personal property, communicating threats, and prostitution.
A Class A1 misdemeanor, the most serious misdemeanor, carries a maximum penalty of 150 days in jail and a discretionary fine. Class A1 misdemeanors include assault with a deadly weapon, assault inflicting serious injury, assault on a female or a government employee, violation of a restraining order, and sexual battery.
Moreover, it is also possible that you could be placed on either supervised or unsupervised probation. If you are unsupervised, all you will be required to do is pay your fines and court costs and obey the law. However, if you are placed on supervised probation, you will need to meet with a probation officer on a regular basis. Typically, this occurs once a month. Probation can also come with requirements like having regular drug screenings done or being forced to submit to searches. Other penalties that the judge can order include abuser treatment classes, community service, drug treatment, and a mental health evaluation from a licensed practitioner. Fail to complete any of these, and you will face further consequences.
Remember that many crimes can be tried as misdemeanors or felonies, depending on the circumstances, first offense versus multiple offenses, injuries, etc.
Schlosser & Pritchett – Experienced Greensboro Misdemeanor Lawyers
A judge has a great deal of latitude in deciding what punishment will best fit your North Carolina misdemeanor. Schlosser & Pritchett, Greensboro’s misdemeanor and felony lawyers, are a dedicated team of seasoned litigators and negotiators who have tried hundreds of criminal cases. Our Greensboro lawyers understand the prosecution’s point of view, the state’s range of negotiable outcomes and what types of arguments and evidence are likely to be effective.
Our Greensboro legal team is persuasive while representing our clients before judges, prosecutors, district attorneys, and juries. We understand the nuances of the North Carolina criminal justice system.
Call 336.292.4076 or use the convenient online form at the right of the page to submit your information, and we will contact you promptly.