Criminal charges can make you feel like you’re standing on the edge of an uncertain future. You need a lawyer who understands what’s at stake for you personally. It’s not enough to simply find someone knowledgeable about criminal law – you need a lawyer who will stand by you throughout the entire process and fight for your future. At Schlosser & Pritchett, we are committed to providing you with the professional, dedicated legal representation you deserve. Whether you are facing serious felony charges or a misdemeanor, our Greensboro, North Carolina criminal defense attorneys [...]
Greensboro Traffic Violation Attorneys
Are you aware that when you put a check in the mail with your traffic ticket, you plead guilty to the offense you are charged with? Many people fail to realize that, much less consider what it really means. Even minor offenses can result in unforeseen consequences Accumulating 11 points or more on your driver’s license in an 18-month period can result in a suspension of your driving privileges. What you may consider a simple speeding ticket can be the first step toward losing your driver’s license.
Your driving record, freedom of movement, and the prospect of rising insurance rates should be important factors in your life. When a series of traffic violations threaten your ability to move about by car or truck, you will want to secure the Greensboro traffic violation attorneys at Schlosser & Pritchett. Contact our offices, and have our knowledge and resources on your side. These are times when experience counts.
Crunching the Numbers
A simple traffic citation may cost more than typical court costs and fines. Example: Even as an insured North Carolina driver, if you pay a ticket for having driven 76 miles per hour in a 55-mile-per-hour zone in North Carolina, your insurance rates can increase by as much as ninety percent for the next three years.
In today’s uncertain economy, that type of financial impact can be devastating, especially to college students in our area or tourists passing through. Moreover, you could also lose your driving privileges for thirty days if you are convicted of speeding.
The Greensboro traffic violation attorneys at Schlosser & Pritchett can assist you with your defense against these traffic violation allegations.
Traffic Citations Defenses
Our capable connected Schlosser & Pritchett traffic citation lawyers are all former District Attorneys and welcome the opportunity to defend you in any or all of these situations:
- Speeding citations
- Accident citations
- Red light citations
- No insurance
- Stop sign citations
- Speeding in school zone citations
- License restrictions (driving without corrective lenses)
- All moving violations/traffic violations
- Trucking violations
- Ordinance violations
- Failure to appear in court
- Suspended license
- North Carolina DUI/DWI
Each of these traffic-related scenarios will warrant quality legal representation. You need a defense attorney who has prevailed many times and knows the courthouse personalities involved. These are cases where experience counts.
Schlosser & Pritchett – Ethical Greensboro Traffic Citation Attorneys
Have you been charged with multiple traffic violations? Speeding? Reckless driving? Moving violations? Driving while your license is revoked? Experience counts in representing your interests. Contact our twenty-five-year-old Greensboro traffic ticket attorneys to arrange an initial consultation.
Our law offices are available by phone, fax, and e-mail, and we return after-hours calls promptly. Be in touch with our lawyers today. We serve clients in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point, Burlington, Asheboro, Reidsville, Mocksville, and Cartersville.
Call 336.292.4076 or use the convenient online form at the right of the page to submit your information, and we will contact you promptly.