Criminal charges can make you feel like you’re standing on the edge of an uncertain future. You need a lawyer who understands what’s at stake for you personally. It’s not enough to simply find someone knowledgeable about criminal law – you need a lawyer who will stand by you throughout the entire process and fight for your future. At Schlosser & Pritchett, we are committed to providing you with the professional, dedicated legal representation you deserve. Whether you are facing serious felony charges or a misdemeanor, our Greensboro, North Carolina criminal defense attorneys [...]
After over a year of staying away from others and keeping distance, people are more than ready to get back out and socialize this year. With the 4th of July holiday right around the corner, it seems like the perfect time to celebrate with friends and put an end to social isolation for good.
The question is what you choose to do with your holiday. If your holiday celebration is going to involve alcohol, then you need to be aware of how and where you drink. Being drunk in public can easily [...]