Criminal charges can make you feel like you’re standing on the edge of an uncertain future. You need a lawyer who understands what’s at stake for you personally. It’s not enough to simply find someone knowledgeable about criminal law – you need a lawyer who will stand by you throughout the entire process and fight for your future. At Schlosser & Pritchett, we are committed to providing you with the professional, dedicated legal representation you deserve. Whether you are facing serious felony charges or a misdemeanor, our Greensboro, North Carolina criminal defense attorneys [...]
Dealing with the North Carolina criminal justice system can be overwhelming. Whether you are currently under investigation, facing criminal charges, or even worried about being charged with a crime, you need to be proactive to protect your legal rights.
Our team of dynamic NC criminal defense lawyers at the Law Firm of Schlosser & Pritchett has the experience and resources you need to safeguard your freedom and future. As former prosecutors ourselves, we know how the other side thinks. Your prosecutor is likely to be prepared to drop the full weight of the law on you, which means you need to be ready to take an equally aggressive stance to win back your freedom and reclaim your life.
Do not become a victim of circumstances. If you are arrested, under investigation for, charged with, or even simply concerned about the possibility of being charged with a crime, contact Schlosser & Pritchett immediately.
Experienced Representation, No Matter What NC Crime You Are Facing
North Carolina criminal courts are famously tough on crime. From Class D misdemeanors to First Degree felonies, being charged with any type of crime in our state carries serious consequences.
When your freedom, job, and future are on the line, experience counts. At the Law Firm of Schlosser & Pritchett, we have handled virtually every type of criminal case imaginable — from drug crimes to shoplifting to white-collar crimes — often with favorable results. Moreover, our attorneys have represented clients in both state and federal courts, so we are able to help no matter who you are up against.
Bottom line? Regardless of the type of criminal charge you are facing, Schlosser & Pritchett can help. We believe that everyone deserves the strongest possible defense, and treat every case with urgency and attention. No matter your background or the charges you are facing, we will fight tooth and nail to help you achieve the best outcome for you. Do not take a risk when you are up against criminal charges. Call our law firm now to schedule a free confidential initial consultation.