Criminal charges can make you feel like you’re standing on the edge of an uncertain future. You need a lawyer who understands what’s at stake for you personally. It’s not enough to simply find someone knowledgeable about criminal law – you need a lawyer who will stand by you throughout the entire process and fight for your future. At Schlosser & Pritchett, we are committed to providing you with the professional, dedicated legal representation you deserve. Whether you are facing serious felony charges or a misdemeanor, our Greensboro, North Carolina criminal defense attorneys [...]
Greensboro DUI & DWI Attorney
Allegations of drunk driving and criminal DUI/DWI charges have become serious business in North Carolina. A conviction could result in serious penalties. Experience will definitely count in a successful defense of your rights. The Greensboro Law Firm of Schlosser & Pritchett in North Carolina is the best DUI/DWI defense attorneys and will work its hardest to give you that positive outcome.
As experienced North Carolina DUI/DWI Lawyers, our background in these cases is extensive. We have worked closely with clients, many of them college students, in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Durham, Burlington, Raleigh, High Point, and the counties of Guilford, Alamance, Randolph, and Rockingham. We prepared the best possible strategies in each instance of their DUI/ DWI cases.
North Carolina’s DUI/DWI Law
North Carolina DWI law states that it is unlawful for any person to operate or attempt to drive a motorized vehicle in the state of North Carolina while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, intoxicants, or any combination thereof with a blood alcohol concentration level of .08% or greater.
If you are stopped under the suspicion of a DUI/DWI, the police officer is immediately building a case against you, starting with your initial behavior. You will be asked to perform some field sobriety tests. You are NOT required by law to submit to the field sobriety tests — you have every right to kindly refuse to submit to them.
You are, however, required by North Carolina’s implied consent law to submit to a chemical test. If you refuse to submit to a chemical test, the arresting officer must inform you of the penalties for a test refusal and then ask you again if you will submit to a chemical test.
North Carolina’s DUI Penalties
A drunk driving conviction can carry serious and long-lasting consequences, including jail or prison time, a heavy fine, and suspension or revocation of a driver’s license. A person facing a drunk driving charge should not hesitate to seek immediate legal counsel from an experienced drunk driving defense attorney, such as those who staff our successful criminal practice at the Greensboro Law Firm of Schlosser & Pritchett.
North Carolina First-Time DUI
A North Carolina first-offense DWI is a Misdemeanor offense. A first-offense conviction carries the following fines and penalties:
- Jail time: Minimum jail sentence is 24 hours or up to the maximum jail sentence of 24 months. The length of the jail sentence term beyond the minimum will be at the court’s discretion.
- Fines: The minimum fine amount is $100 plus court costs up to a maximum fine of $2,000 plus court costs. At the court’s discretion, they may order you to serve jail time versus paying any fine amounts.
- License Revocation: The mandatory revocation period for a first-offense violation is 1-year. You may be eligible for limited driving privileges with a provisional license if you meet the requirements for one.
- Community Service: The court may require a first-time offender to perform up to 24 hours of community service.
- DWI Assessment: You will be required to complete a DWI assessment, costing $100. If you get an assessment done right away, you can get a provisional license ten days after your arrest for a first offense. First-time offenders who have never been previously convicted of a DWI offense and registered a BAC of .14% or less might qualify for the ADETS program, which is only 16 hours long and costs $160 for the program.
- Ignition Interlock: First-time offenders who registered a BAC of .15% or greater will be required to install an ignition interlock device on their vehicle for a period of 1-year. The installation and monthly service costs of the device will be at your expense.
North Carolina Second Offense DWI
A North Carolina second offense, DWI, is a Misdemeanor offense. A second offense conviction carries the following fines and penalties:
- Jail time: The minimum jail sentence is seven days or up to the maximum jail sentence of 12 months. If the second offense occurred within 3-years of a previous offense, the jail sentence could be up to 1-year.
- Fines: The maximum fine amount is up to $2,000 plus court costs. At the court’s discretion, they may order you to serve jail time versus paying any fine amounts. Even if the court orders you to serve jail time in lieu of any fines, you will still have to pay any court costs.
- License Revocation: The mandatory revocation period is four years if the second conviction is within three years of a first offense conviction. You may be eligible for limited driving privileges using a provisional license if you meet the requirements for such. If the second offense is within seven years of the first offense conviction, you will not be eligible for a provisional license.
- DWI Assessment: You will be required to have a DWI assessment done, the cost of the assessment is currently $100.
- Ignition Interlock: Second-time offenders will be required to install an ignition interlock device on their vehicle before reinstating their license. The installation and monthly service costs of the device will be at your expense.
North Carolina Third Offense DWI
A North Carolina third-offense DWI is a Misdemeanor offense. A third-offense conviction carries the following fines and penalties:
- Jail time: The minimum jail sentence is 14 days, up to the maximum jail sentence of 2 years. The length of the jail sentence term beyond the minimum will be at the court’s discretion based on the circumstances surrounding your case and all previous convictions.
- Fines: The maximum fine amount can be up to $2,000 plus court costs. At the court’s discretion, they may order you to serve jail time instead of paying any fines. Even if the court orders you to serve jail time in lieu of any fines, you will still have to pay any court costs.
- License Revocation: The mandatory revocation period for a third offense violation is four years if there are no previous convictions within the past 5-years. If you have had at least one other conviction within the past 5-year period, your license will be revoked for life.
- DWI Assessment: You will be required to have a DWI assessment done, the cost of the assessment is currently $100.
- Ignition Interlock: Third-time offenders will be required to install an ignition interlock device on their vehicle before reinstating their license. The installation and monthly service costs of the device will be at your expense.
North Carolina Fourth Offense DWI
A North Carolina fourth offense DWI could be classified as a Grievous Felony offense if the three prior convictions occurred within the past 5-years. A fourth-offense conviction carries the following fines and penalties:
- Jail time: The minimum jail sentence is one year or up to the maximum jail sentence of 3 years. The length of the jail sentence term beyond the minimum will be at the court’s discretion based on the circumstances surrounding your case and all previous convictions.
- Fines: The maximum fine for a fourth offense will be at the court’s discretion. Even if the court orders you to serve jail time in lieu of any fines, you will still have to pay any court costs.
- License Revocation: Your license will be revoked for life following a fourth-offense conviction.
Schlosser & Pritchett – Knowledgeable Greensboro DUI/DWI Lawyers
As you can see, North Carolina’s DWI/DUI laws have some leeway, and you need a qualified Greensboro DUI/DWI lawyer to ensure your sentence is minimized. A drunk driving charge is a serious criminal charge.
If you have been accused of a drunk driving offense, you cannot afford not to have effective Greensboro DUI/DWI lawyers on your side. This is when experience truly counts.
Call 336.292.4076 or use the convenient online form at the right of the page to submit your information, and we will contact you promptly.