Most law-abiding citizens don’t understand how extensive the child porn industry is – both throughout the country and the world. Or how much of the industry involves very young children – including toddlers.

However, the most shocking revelation for North Carolina citizens might be that — until about a month ago – the trial against the creator of the largest child-porn site in existence was happening right here in our home state.

Earlier this month, Steven W. Chase was sentenced to 30 years in prison and a lifetime of supervised release. What exactly [...]

In early April, a North Carolina man was driving through Florida and was pulled over for speeding. When officers approached the car, they allegedly got a strong whiff of marijuana. Upon searching the car, they found 20 grams of the drug.

What might have only been a speeding ticket turned into felony drug charges.

If you’re wondering whether or not the man from North Carolina consented to the search of his property, here’s your answer: it doesn’t matter. Why? Because the strong scent of marijuana was enough to give police the right to [...]

When your kid is accused of a crime, your first response may be to worry about the consequences. Will your child go to jail? Will they be able to get into college, or get a good job? Will they be taken away from you?

All kids make mistakes, and North Carolina understands that a mistake made by a minor does not always indicate that they are a dangerous person or intend to lead a life of crime. While minors aged 16 or older who are accused of a criminal offense must go through [...]

If you are charged with residential burglary in our state, the penalties tend to be quite severe. How severe, though, depends on the specific charge.

What factors are involved in being hit with the various charges? What does the prosecution need in order to convict you?

To understand, you need to look at residential burglary in general. There are several different forms of residential burglary offenses in North Carolina. If you are charged, prepare yourself for court by getting to know these different offenses.

The Different Types of Residential Burglary Charges

There are [...]

Last week, we laid out the basics of assault crimes: what can be considered assault in North Carolina, the different types of assault charges, and what penalties you may face if you are convicted of assault.

Let’s go back to the different types of assault charges for a second. Our state has very specific assault charges, including separate charges for castration, assaulting in a “secret manner,” and criminal use of a laser device. Many of these charges only come about if the act in question occurs against a specific demographic, such as women [...]