Category: Drug Possession

If you’ve been charged with possession of a controlled substance in North Carolina, you may be wondering how your lawyer is going to keep the judge from throwing the book at you. Penalties for drug crimes are very case-specific. Depending on the unique conditions of your case, your attorney may choose one or more from various defense strategies — anywhere from claiming unreasonable action to just plain denial.

Possession of a controlled substance is illegal in North Carolina under Article 5. Section 90-86 of state legislation. There are two main categories of possession [...]

If you’ve been charged with a drug crime, you might be feeling scared and confused — justifiably so. In North Carolina, the law (or statute) prohibiting drugs is fairly simple, but penalties for those crimes vary greatly depending on the type of drug, the amount, and the accused’s previous criminal record. 

Manufacturing, distribution, and possession of controlled substances are all illegal in North Carolina under one statute. 

The North Carolina Controlled Substance Act outlines exactly what is included in manufacturing, distributing, and possessing controlled substances as well as the penalties for the varying [...]

People all over the country have been entering the voting booth this election cycle and directing their legislators to make marijuana legal. In recent years, many states have passed laws legalizing both medical and recreational cannabis — but not North Carolina.

State officials have thrown around ideas of decriminalizing or legalizing marijuana, discussing the public health and economic repercussions that could follow. 

However, these same state officials warn that the North Carolina legislature is far from embracing marijuana decriminalization and legalization. They say that it’s something North Carolinians should not expect to [...]

Every state has its own set of interesting, and often completely outdated, laws. Louisiana is a perfect example.

In 2008 a man was arrested in Louisiana for selling $30 worth of marijuana. Yes, $30 worth of marijuana. He was originally sentenced to 15 years but was re-sentenced a few years later under a Habitual Offender Law due to previous, non-violent convictions.

Sometimes it’s easy for people to slip through the cracks and be arrested for or receive sentences for misdemeanor crimes that seem a little crazy. Still, it’s important to understand what [...]

The United States is changing its position on pot. Marijuana is still illegal at the federal level, but individual states are legalizing both medicinal and recreational marijuana use. 

Ten states (and Washington D.C.) allow individuals to carry up to one ounce (28 grams) of pot for personal consumption to date. 

In North Carolina, carrying one ounce of marijuana is a misdemeanor. If you are caught with just a little bit more (1.5 oz,), however, you could face felony charges. Plenty of North Carolinians are currently sitting behind bars for crossing that line. 

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