Category: Domestic Violence

Domestic violence as a crime is, unfortunately, common. Those who attempt to defend themselves in domestic violence cases have an uphill battle – a battle that may soon get a little more difficult.

A bill in North Carolina may soon support victims of domestic violence to appear in court virtually. While it is in the early stages of drafting, it could be a big change for cases involving domestic violence, harassment, and sexual abuse. 

Many victims are afraid to confront their abusers in court, so this law could make it easier for [...]

Domestic violence can be an issue in a variety of relationships, but in every case, it can lead to serious consequences. In North Carolina, there are many different crimes associated with charges of domestic violence. 

So, what makes a crime fall under the umbrella of domestic violence, and what kind of penalties can result from a conviction? Read on to find out.

Domestic Violence: What Is It?

Under North Carolina law, domestic violence occurs when someone commits any of the following acts against certain persons:

  • Assault by pointing a gun
  • Assault in the

Domestic violence is an all too common occurrence across the country, North Carolina included.

According to the North Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence, about 20 people per minute are physically abused by a partner. Over the course of just one year, that adds up to over 10 million incidents.

With such shocking statistics, it’s not uncommon for a survivor to be accused of killing their abusive partner. In those cases, the individual and those who advocate for them may see it clearly as a case of self-defense – but what does the law [...]

Domestic violence continues to be a substantial issue in North Carolina. To help fight this issue, the Governor of North Carolina signs Bill S493 into law in July of 2019, taking effect in December 2019. This bill makes several changes to the domestic violence laws in the state that are important to know about.

If you are arrested for domestic violence in North Carolina, here’s what you need to know about this new law and the batterer intervention program that is now a part of it.

Domestic Violence Laws in North Carolina: Batterer


The COVID-19 lockdown has impacted nearly every facet of society – including domestic violence. Safety nets for domestic violence have been taken away, as have support systems to help offenders from reoffending.

Representatives in the state are concerned about the impact sheltering in place has had, saying difficulties leaving the home to get away (which can help reduce the incidents of domestic violence that can arise) make it near impossible to relieve over-stressed, frayed nerves.

Right now there is an increased need for mental health services, but just because you’re not leaving your [...]