Criminal charges can make you feel like you’re standing on the edge of an uncertain future. You need a lawyer who understands what’s at stake for you personally. It’s not enough to simply find someone knowledgeable about criminal law – you need a lawyer who will stand by you throughout the entire process and fight for your future. At Schlosser & Pritchett, we are committed to providing you with the professional, dedicated legal representation you deserve. Whether you are facing serious felony charges or a misdemeanor, our Greensboro, North Carolina criminal defense attorneys [...]
If you have ever been arrested, you have a criminal record – even if no charges were ever filed against you. If you’ve been convicted, you probably know that you have a criminal history. You’ve likely felt some of the consequences because of it.
Fortunately, in many cases, it is possible to seal your criminal record from public view, such that it won’t show up on criminal background checks; and there are plenty of benefits for doing it.
Take a look at the top five reasons we always recommend trying to seal your [...]