Category: Car Accidents

You’re driving along and BOOM – suddenly you’re involved in a car accident. The best-case scenario is that everyone is fine, no one is hurt, and both drivers let their insurance companies handle everything.

But what if someone is injured?

If you or someone you love is injured during a car accident, the first step should always be to seek medical help and contact a law enforcement officer to file a crash report. You may also want to consult with an experienced car accident lawyer to see what options are available to you [...]

It may not come as a surprise to many current residents of our state, but a recent study ranked North Carolina drivers among the worst in the nation.

Specifically, our drivers ranked 12th out of 51 states (including the District of Columbia) in a study by, placing it in the top quarter of most dangerous states to drive in, just shy of the top 10.

Montana and South Carolina were tied in the #1 spot for most dangerous drivers, followed by Texas, North Dakota, and Delaware. Minnesota was ranked the safest [...]

As with any state in the Union, car crashes in North Carolina are usually caused by drivers’ actions that could have been prevented.

Some of the most common causes for accidents are well-known – like texting, drunk driving, and speeding – yet these driver errors still cause millions of car accidents and tens of thousands of deaths nationwide every year.

Being aware of the more common causes for accidents can both protect you from these behavoirs in other drivers  and help you improve your own driving habits. Compiled from the most recent data [...]

 Due to the inflated cost of auto insurance, there are many cars and other motor vehicles without liability insurance on our roadways today. 

While this percentage is relatively small compared to other states (the national average was 12.6% in 2012), North Carolina’s problem with uninsured drivers can suddenly become very serious to someone involved in an accident with a driver who is uninsured. After all, it is the at-fault driver’s insurance that typically pays out the compensation necessary to cover the high costs of medical bills and lost wages.

If you have been [...]

With all of the details that must be tended to following an auto accident—from medical appointments to visits to the body shop—many people scratch contacting a lawyer off of the list because they do not see it as necessary when there are already so many other pressing things to do. However, it’s in the best interests of any Greensboro resident who has been injured in an accident to at least consult with a lawyer before trying to manage all of the other business at hand.

In most cases, if you have indicated that [...]