Making the decision to drink and get behind the wheel of a car is a choice that can have a huge impact on your world as well as others in it, as one Charlotte man recently found out.

A head-on crash caused by an intoxicated driver caused the death of another man and seriously injured the driver. The driver recovered in the hospital but was arrested by police for felony death by vehicle. He also faces charges for reckless driving and driving while impaired.

This story serves as a cautionary tale for driving [...]

When most people think of felonies, their minds automatically go to violent crimes such as murder or assault. While those crimes certainly do happen, most felony crimes in North Carolina are actually not violent at all.

A good example of this is a case out of Whiteville, NC. Two people were arrested for felony possession with intent to sell or deliver cocaine. Non-violent felonies such as this are the most common offenses found in North Carolina.

In fact, would you believe that, according to the UNC School of Government, in 2019 violent [...]

North Carolina U.S. Representative Richard Hudson has introduced in the new session of Congress a bill that would benefit those who carry concealed handguns in the U.S.The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, also known as H.R. 38, was introduced in early January. If it passes, then it could have a big impact on the Second Amendment rights for North Carolinians and people all across the country.

Here’s what you need to know about this proposed Act, how it could change things, and what the current laws are regarding the right to carry a [...]

Fraud is a complex topic. In North Carolina, the statutes surrounding fraud are complicated and many different types of actions fall under the umbrella of fraud. Not to mention, the legal consequences involved in fraud cases can be quite harsh.

Recently, a 19-year-old woman from Clinton, North Carolina found out just how harsh the justice system in the state treats those who are suspected of fraud. 

She was charged with felony insurance fraud for claiming that damage done to her vehicle occurred while she had the policy. The truth was discovered that the [...]

Burglary is a crime that is often misunderstood. It gets conflated with robbery or even trespass. If you are criminally charged with burglary, though, then it’s important to understand exactly what crime you’re being charged with. 

Understanding the charges against you is the first step in understanding what your rights are and what types of defenses can best serve you in court.

Here’s what you need to know about burglary charges in North Carolina – what it means, the penalties associated with a conviction, and the defenses commonly used against them.

Burglary in
