People all over the country have been entering the voting booth this election cycle and directing their legislators to make marijuana legal. In recent years, many states have passed laws legalizing both medical and recreational cannabis — but not North Carolina.

State officials have thrown around ideas of decriminalizing or legalizing marijuana, discussing the public health and economic repercussions that could follow. 

However, these same state officials warn that the North Carolina legislature is far from embracing marijuana decriminalization and legalization. They say that it’s something North Carolinians should not expect to [...]

Criminal law is nuanced. Even the smallest details can have a big impact on your case, especially when it comes to the differences between crimes such as assault and aggravated assault. 

That’s why the way your case is handled can be the difference between a long jail sentence or being acquitted of the crimes for which you’ve been accused.

Here’s what you need to know about assault and aggravated assault charges in North Carolina and the way an experienced lawyer should handle your case.

North Carolina Assault Law

There are different levels of [...]

While the laws in each state differ, every state requires that law enforcement be provided on the local level with information about individuals convicted of sex offenses. This is also true for North Carolina, whether those offenses happened in this state or not. 

If you live in North Carolina and have been convicted of a crime that places you on the sex offender list in another state, then North Carolina requires you to register here as well.

Here’s what you need to know about the sex offender registry in North Carolina such as [...]

You’d be hard-pressed to find a seasoned driver who has never gotten a traffic ticket, which is why many people don’t consider the offenses to be serious. 

Most people simply pay a ticket and then move on. That said, not all traffic tickets are a walk in the park. In fact, some violations are so serious that they’re considered felonies – and paying the ticket for them is essentially admitting guilt to that offense.

Those offenses go on your record, possibly increasing your insurance and even resulting in the suspension of your driver’s [...]

Domestic violence can be an issue in a variety of relationships, but in every case, it can lead to serious consequences. In North Carolina, there are many different crimes associated with charges of domestic violence. 

So, what makes a crime fall under the umbrella of domestic violence, and what kind of penalties can result from a conviction? Read on to find out.

Domestic Violence: What Is It?

Under North Carolina law, domestic violence occurs when someone commits any of the following acts against certain persons:

  • Assault by pointing a gun
  • Assault in the