Any type of conviction can be a stain on your criminal record, but some criminal convictions come with added obstacles – like impacting your right to own a gun.

When it comes to domestic violence in North Carolina, you could be looking at more than jail time and fines for a conviction. If you are found guilty of an offense of domestic violence in the state, then North Carolina law says you can’t obtain a gun permit. And federal law has the same restrictions.

Even for misdemeanor offenses, your second amendment rights can [...]

In North Carolina, there are several different types of felony drug crimes with which a person can be charged. The drug offenses range from crimes like drug possession, which is considered in some cases to be a lower-level crime, all the way up to serious drug felonies such as drug trafficking.

No matter what type of drug crime charge, it’s vital to understand that they are all serious felonies, and they come with weighty consequences in the state. Here is what you need to know about how North Carolina classifies different drug crimes.[...]

Sexually transmitted diseases are still prevalent and are a great risk to public health. If you are infected with an STD and know it, then you spread it to a sexual partner. If you do that, you may face criminal charges in the state of North Carolina.

This news may come as a surprise to many people. Some people may be aware that certain STDs, such as HIV and AIDS, can result in criminal charges if someone is positive and has sex without letting their partner know. But the law also extends to [...]

If you are convicted of driving while intoxicated in North Carolina, then chances are you will be required by the court to undergo an alcohol assessment. You may also need to take part in some kind of alcohol education classes and counseling.

What happens during an alcohol assessment and the education classes in North Carolina? Who has to take them and for how long? The answers to these questions vary on a case-by-case basis. Read on for a general idea of what you can expect from North Carolina alcohol assessments and education.



When you’re served with a North Carolina protective order, it can be a confusing and frustrating experience. After all, what does it mean to have a protective order filed against you for domestic violence? And what are your options?

Here is what you need to know about North Carolina protective orders and what you should do if you are served with one.

What Is a North Carolina Protective Order?

Most people refer to protective orders as retraining orders, but, under the law of the state, there are basically two types of protective orders [...]