In North Carolina, those charged with driving under the influence (DUI) or driving while impaired (DWI) can face the loss of their driver’s license – something that can cause a significant interruption in life.

There’s a lot to understand about a driver’s license suspension in North Carolina but rest assured that not all hope is lost if you’re facing a DUI and the loss of your license. Read on to find out all you need to know about your options.

DUI Charge: License Suspension in North Carolina

In North Carolina, anyone charged with [...]

North Carolina drug laws can be complicated. While many controlled substances are illegal under federal law, individual states like North Carolina also have regulations. These regulations spell out how different types of substances are handled legally.

In general, North Carolina follows the federal government’s lead in classifying drugs. The government uses a scheduling system to denote how serious each type of drug is. The drugs considered a danger to a person’s health and wellbeing fall under Schedule I, while those with a medical use and a low probability for abuse are in Schedule [...]

There are many crimes that may sound similar on their face, but once you dig a little deeper into the law, you see that they are very different. In North Carolina, sexual assault and assault on a female are two of those crimes.

While these crimes may sound alike, the truth is that there are major differences – both in the elements of the crimes and the penalties that can result in being found guilty of them.

Here is what you need to know about the difference between sexual assault and assault on [...]

If you’ve had a DUI in North Carolina, then the words “background check” may strike fear in your heart. That’s understandable, as background checks are normally done for important things such as getting a new job.

If you’ve had a DUI, chances are you don’t want people to know about it, but it’s inevitable that anyone doing a background check on you will find it. That’s why many people want to know if a DUI in North Carolina can be expunged from their record or not.

The answer to that question is more [...]

Domestic violence is a crime that touches the lives of many people in North Carolina. That is precisely why the state takes claims of domestic violence crimes very seriously and prosecutes them to the fullest extent of the law.

However, there are several things about how North Carolina deals with domestic violence that people aren’t familiar with. Often, these things are overlooked by people who may be involved in a domestic violence case – but they shouldn’t be.

If you’re involved in a domestic violence case, there are five very important things you [...]