Archives for: May 13th, 2022

The internet is a place where any type of information you want is just a touch of the finger away. But as anyone who has used the internet can tell you, it has its traps. One of those is internet sex crimes.

Yes, as much great information as there is on the internet, it’s also become an avenue for criminal activity. Many different types of sex crimes are either facilitated by or occur on the internet. Here is what you need to know about internet sex crimes in North Carolina and the penalties [...]

You hear the term “date rape” used in situations quite a lot, or you’ve perhaps heard it called “acquaintance rape.” However, under North Carolina law, date rape is simply rape, because it all comes down to the idea of consent.

Here is what you need to know about rape and date rape in North Carolina, including how the law defines it.

Rape in North Carolina: What Is It?

A person can commit rape in varying degrees in North Carolina. It all depends on the circumstances surrounding the case.

Rape in the first degree [...]

If you’re a North Carolina sex offender, then you know that you have to live by certain rules. Not abiding by the directives set forth by the state can land you in a lot of legal hot water, as one Flat Rock, N.C. man recently found out.

A man married to a woman who worked at a North Carolina middle school was arrested, along with his wife, for being on the school campus. Why? Because he was a registered sex offender. It is not legal for anyone who is a convicted sex offender [...]

There are several crimes identified as sex crimes under North Carolina law. These crimes are incredibly serious, and the penalties a person can face as a result of conviction are equally as grave.

It’s important for all citizens of North Carolina to understand what crimes are considered sex crimes as well as what can be faced if found guilty of one of these offenses. Here is what you need to know.

Sex Crimes in North Carolina

The North Carolina legislature has created the criminal code that defines sex crimes in the state. They [...]

Although North Carolina statutes do not mention “groping,” feeling up a person against their will is indeed a serious crime. A conviction could land offenders in prison.

Touching a person’s intimate body parts against their will is considered sexual battery. It’s covered in North Carolina General Statutes 14-27.33. The law states that a person is guilty of sexual battery if they engage in “sexual contact” with another person forcibly against their will for the purposes of sexual arousal, sexual abuse, or sexual gratification.

A person can also be found guilty of sexual battery [...]