Criminal charges can make you feel like you’re standing on the edge of an uncertain future. You need a lawyer who understands what’s at stake for you personally. It’s not enough to simply find someone knowledgeable about criminal law – you need a lawyer who will stand by you throughout the entire process and fight for your future. At Schlosser & Pritchett, we are committed to providing you with the professional, dedicated legal representation you deserve. Whether you are facing serious felony charges or a misdemeanor, our Greensboro, North Carolina criminal defense attorneys [...]
Have you been injured as the result of the negligence of others?
If you or a loved one has been seriously injured, whether in a traffic accident, at work, or because of improper medical care, the Greensboro personal injury lawyers at Schlosser & Pritchett are here to fight for you. While you worry about getting better, we’ll worry about the legal ramifications of your injuries. Your injuries have probably resulted in a lot of unanswered questions. How can I pay my bills and support my family if I can’t work? Who’s going to pay these medical bills? What does the future hold for me and my family?
From our office in Greensboro, North Carolina, our experienced legal team will put our knowledge, skill and experience to work for you. Our legal team has decades of experience in cases involving brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, dangerous and defective products, medical malpractice, on-the-job injuries and all types of car and truck accidents. We have successfully represented thousands of people throughout North Carolina, getting them the compensation that they deserve.
Types of North Carolina Personal Injury
- Automobile accidents
- Trucking accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Bicycle/pedestrian accidents
- Wrongful Death
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Medical Malpractice
- Premise liability
- Wrongful death claims
Types of Damages in North Carolina Personal Injury cases
Our clients often ask: “How much is my case worth?” There is no simple answer to this question as a number of factors come into play. Here is a brief list of damages our North Carolina personal injury clients have been able to pursue:
- Loss of future earning opportunities
- Loss of consortium (related to your marriage)
- Emotional suffering
- Pain and suffering
- Loss of business opportunities
- Disability
- Inability to enjoy life
Personal Injury Cases We Have Successfully Resolved
Through our twenty-five year career at Schlosser & Pritchett, we have helped thousands of injured North Carolinians.
Personal injury cases we have successfully fought include:
- Uninsured motorist coverage
- Underinsured motorist coverage
- Driving without a license
- Injuries including traumatic brain, spinal cords, fractures, concussions and back
- Loss of life
- Hit & run
- Wrongful death
- State tort claims
- Federal tort claims
- Motorcycle accidents
- Bike/pedestrian accidents
- Accidents resulting from DUI
Schlosser & Pritchett – Trustworthy Greensboro Personal Injury Lawyers
A personal injury can instantly change your life. You may be dealing with skyrocketing medical bills, a significant loss of income due to missing work, pain and suffering or other losses. Several of the Greensboro personal injury attorneys at Schlosser & Pritchett worked for insurance companies before coming to our firm. They understand personal injury law from both sides.
Unfortunately, remember that insurance companies are in the business of making money. As a result, they are likely to take advantage of people following an accident and offer less compensation than what you deserve.
If you were injured in an accident or wish to file a medical malpractice claim, speaking with a skilled Greensboro personal injury lawyer can help ensure you recover the damages to which you are entitled.
North Carolina is a contributory negligence state. This means if the insurance company can prove you in any way contributed to an accident, by not exercising reasonable care under the circumstances, you may be unable to receive compensation for any injuries you sustained.
That’s why it is important to have a North Carolina personal injury who knows all the laws. Who is familiar with both Greensboro and North Carolina courtrooms. And is ready to zealously defend you against negligent persons, insurance companies and large corporations.