Category: Stalking

Stalking is a serious crime in North Carolina. It’s an invasion of privacy that not only makes victims fearful in the moment but can also be traumatic for them in the long term. This is why North Carolina has specific laws that make stalking against the law.

However, stalking doesn’t usually happen in a vacuum. It is a crime that has close ties to both sexual assault and domestic violence. If someone is found to perpetrate stalking against a person who qualifies as a domestic violence victim, the consequences can be even [...]

A recent story about a man who referred to himself as “Mr. Pervert” illustrates what most people likely think about when they imagine stalking.

Last month, Sean Michael Vest of Pensacola, Fla., pleaded no contest to eight counts of obscene or harassing phone calls and 18 counts of aggravated stalking. The man who called himself “Mr. Pervert” was sentenced to 10 years in prison with an additional 10 years of probation.

He established a pattern of calling and texting 26 different people in Pensacola and the surrounding area. He threatened to commit sexual [...]

According to new legislation passed by the North Carolina House of Representatives, using a GPS device to track others against their will may soon constitute a crime.

The chamber voted Wednesday, September 2, adding GPS tracking to a list of crimes under the title of “cyberstalking.” The bill was originally approved by the Senate in the spring, and will now return to the Senate, where legislators will vote on the changes the House made to the law.

Cyberstalking—a term that includes electronic communication technologies under previously existing stalking laws—is already a Class 2 [...]